Colonoscopy Prep using Miralax
Colonoscopy Prep using Miralax® and Gatorade®

Telemedicine Appointments Are Now Available
If you’ve been instructed to use a bowel prep prior to an endoscopic procedure, please click on the appropriate prep below to download an Adobe Reader® file of that prep instruction.
Colonoscopy Prep using Miralax
Colonoscopy Prep using Nulytely/Colyte/Golytely
Colonoscopy Prep using Clenpiq
Colonoscopy Prep using Sutab
Colonoscopy Prep using PLENVU
Endoscopy Prep
Bravo Prep
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3601 NE Ralph Powell Rd, Suite A
Lee’s Summit, MO 64064
Phone: (816) 836-2200
Fax: (816) 836-2244
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Please read your prep instructions 3-4 days prior to your procedure.
All colonoscopy procedures are to follow a clear liquid diet the day prior to their procedure.